Sleep Apnea

The quality of your sleep has a dramatic impact on your health, well-being and overall quality of life. You need a good night’s sleep in order to keep your body and brain functioning optimally. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea interrupts proper breathing which prevents you from reaching the deep sleep and REM sleep needed to repair your mind and body. Prolonged lack of quality sleep has many negative side effects such as exhaustion, irritability, and an inability to focus.

Dr. Angelique Freking has undergone specialized training in dental sleep medicine, an area of dental practice that focuses on the use of oral appliance therapy (OAT) for those who cannot tolerate the more cumbersome CPAP therapy that most people picture of when they think of sleep apnea treatments. Oral appliance therapy can help you and your sleep partner get a good night’s sleep, and it will significantly improve your health and quality of life. At Park Slope Dentistry Seventh Avenue, Dr. Angelique Freking will work together with your sleep physician to identify the best treatment for you.